I am a computational social scientist in the Political Science and Law Department at Universitat de Barcelona (Ramón y Cajal research fellow 2023-2027). My research covers topics related to protest politics and interest groups. I use computational linguistics, network analysis, and experimental and survey data to address core questions on representation, inequalities, and influence processes in Europe and Latin America.

My research project on rhetorical influence, political organisations and policy processes uses data from social media and parliamentary records in a comparative perspective.


The gender divide in issue attention - European Journal of Political Research, 2022

The cultural outcomes of social movements: a computational linguistics approach - PArtecipazione e COnflitto, 2021

La agenda de los grupos de interés frente a la COVID-19: el rastro digital en Twitter - Revista Española De Ciencia Política, 2021

Working papers

In search for common ground: The dynamics of interest groups and party narratives

Elite responsiveness to protest in Latin America: Evidence from protest event data and political elites on Twitter - with Ruud Wouters

MPs’ issue prioritization on social media in Italy and Spain - with Marcello Carammia, Laura Chaqués-Bonafont and Federico Russo

Work in progress

Media reflections of protest in Latin America: A comparative perspective 2000-2023

Varieties of elite polarisation in Latin America - with Luis Remiro

Social control and judicial perceptions of protest in Spain - with Andreu Rodilla