
  • PhD in Political Science. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. 2014
  • Màster Oficial in Political Science ‘Pensar y Gobernar Sociedades Complejas’. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. 2009
  • Msc. Government and Public Policy. Universidad de los Andes (Colombia). 2007
  • Industrial Engineering. Universidad de los Andes (Colombia). 1999

Work experience

  • Ramón y Cajal fellow
    • Universitat de Barcelona
    • 2023-2027
  • Post-Doc researcher - JIN grant ‘Representación retorica e influencia de los grupos organizados en la definición del debate público y en la actividad legislativa’ RTI2018-100861-J-I00
    • Universitat de Barcelona
    • 2020-2022
  • Post-Doc researcher 2019
    • Sciences Po, Paris, Center for European Studies and Comparative Politics
    • Emiliano Grossman
  • Post-Doc researcher - Juan de la Cierva fellow
    • Universitat de Barcelona
    • 2017-2018
  • Post-Doc researcher - Democracy, Elections and Citizenship research group
    • Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
    • 2015-2016

Projects as PI

  • Representación retorica e influencia de los grupos organizados en la definición del debate público y en la actividad legislativa
    • PI - Camilo Cristancho
    • Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (RTI2018-100861-J-I00)
    • Universidad de Barcelona
    • 2020-2022
    • 140.000€
    • Quantitative text analysis, data scraping, computational linguistics
  • Percepciones ciudadanas de los procesos de interacción entre los ciudadanos y sus representantes
    • PI - Camilo Cristancho
    • Departament de Governació i Relacions Institucionals i Exteriors i Transparència
    • Universidad de Barcelona
    • 2017
    • 9,200€
    • Survey experiment

International projects as team member

  • Comparative Interest Group Survey
    • PI: Jan Beyers / Laura Chaqués
    • University of Antwerp, Universitat de Barcelona
    • 2017
    • Survey design, data handling and production
  • Living with Hard Times: How European Citizens deal with economic crises and their social and political consequences- LIVEWHAT
    • PI - Eva Anduiza Perea / Marco Guigni
    • EU FP7-SSH-613237
    • Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, U. de Geneve, U. Uppsala, U. Sheffield, Sciences Po, U. Siegen, U. Warszawski, Scuola Normale Superiore, U. de Creta
    • 2013-2016
    • Survey experiments, lab experiments, survey design, claims analysis
  • Caught in the act of protest: Contextualizing contestation
    • PI - Bert Klandermans / José Manuel Sabucedo
    • Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación - European Science Foundation (EUI2008-03512)
    • Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
    • 2009-2012
    • Survey field work and logistics, survey design, Leading and training of research assitants, data handling and production

National projects as team member

  • Qualitat de la Democràcia - Grup de Recerca Consolidat reconegut per la Generalitat de Catalunya
    • PI - Laura Chaqués
    • Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR)
    • Universidad de Barcelona
    • 2018-2020
    • 36,800 €
  • La política de transparencia y derecho a la información en un contexto de gobernanza multinivel (TRANSAUTO - CSO-2015-69878-P. Convocatoria 2015 del subprograma de Proyectos de Investigación Fundamental no orientada)
    • PI - Laura Chaqués
    • Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
    • Universidad de Barcelona
    • 2016-2018
    • 44.100 €
  • Modes emergents de protesta política:vies cap a la inclusió política (Projectes i activitats de valorització de tecnologia - 2014ACUP00050)
    • PI - Eva Anduiza Perea
    • Associació Catalana d’Universitats Públiques (ACUP)
    • Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
    • 2015-2018
    • Project design, Population survey, spatial analysis, social media analysis, protest event data
  • Efectos del descontento social: Gobierno y política contenciosa en Twitter (2013 DEMOC 00014)
    • PI - Eva Anduiza Perea / Camilo Cristancho
    • Departament de Governació i Relacions Institucionals
    • Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
    • 2013-2014
    • Project design, social media analysis, media analysis
  • Cambio y estabilidad en las actitudes políticas
    • PI - Eva Anduiza Perea
    • Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (CSO2010-18534)
    • Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
    • 2011-2014
    • Survey design, survey experiments, panel data


  • In the last 8 years, I have published 12 articles in top academic journals (indexed in JCR or SJR in the first and second quartile) and 3 book chapters for publishers like Routledge, EU-LAC Foundation, and the Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas. My work appears in journals like the European Journal of Political Research (JCR Q1), Information, Communication & Society (JCR Q1), the Journal of Public Policy (SJR Q1, JCR Q2), European Journal of Communication (SJR Q1, JCR Q2), American Behavioral Scientist (SJR Q1, JCR Q2), Acta Politica (SJR Q1, JCR Q3), The International Journal of Communication (SJR Q1, JCR Q3), Communications: The European Journal of Communication Research (SJR Q2, JCR Q4), Mobilization (SJR Q1), Revista Española de Ciencia Política (SJR Q2).



    • I have participated in most of the leading conferences of political science like EPSA, European Political Science Association (2016, 2014, 2013), ECPR, European Consortium for Political Research, General Conference (2016, 2014, 2009, 2007); ECPR, European Consortium for Political Research, Joint sessions (2018, 2017, 2013); Political Text Analysis POLTEXT/ COMPTEXT (2016, 2018, 2019), CAP Annual Comparative Agendas Project meeting (2018-2021); MPSA, Midwest Political Science Association (2022, 2018); APSA, American Political Science Association (2013, 2012); ICPP, International Conference on Public Policy, General Conference (2021, 2019, 2017); AECPA Congreso Español de Ciencia Política y de la Administración (2019, 2017, 2015, 2013); IPSA, International Political Science Association (2012); CES, International Conference of Europeanists, Council for European Studies (2019), Italian Political Science Association (2012).


      • I have largely applied my research interests and professional experience in my teaching. This implies focusing on the development of analytical and critical thinking skills by motivating discussion, stressing the relevance of scholarly debates, and demanding analytical rigour to address relevant topics and normative matters that traverse multiple fields in political science. I have experience in teaching political behaviour with an emphasis on collective action, political attitudes, and public opinion; political sociology, concentrating mostly on organizations in politics; public policy with a focus on agendas and narratives; and applied statistical and computational methods for text and network analyses techniques on these sub-fields. I have written two textbooks on applied statistical research (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya - Tècniques quantitatives per a l’administració pública, 2019 and Introducció a l’estadística i a l’anàlisi de dades aplicades a la criminologia, 2022).
      • I am an accredited assistant professor (AQU 2018) and lecturer (profesor contratado doctor - ANECA 2021).


        Service and leadership

        • I collaborate with several international networks of scholars, like the Comparative Agendas project, the Comparative Interest group survey and COMPTEXT (an international community of quantitative text analysis scholars).
        • Mentoring of eight research assistants who have performed excellently and have been motivated to continue with academic research or have continued their learning path on applied methods.
        • Directed more than ten master’s theses and three of them have received merit awards as the best in their class.
        • Served on three PhD committees, reviewed for seventeen international academic journals and I currently co-supervise of a PhD thesis
        • I serve as project evaluator for the Research Agency of the Ministry of Science and Innovation.
        • I regularly teach short seminars on applied data science for multiple universities and research centres in social sciences, data journalism, entrepreneurship, or social activism.
        • I have collaborated with different political institutions under contract to implement policy projects.
          • As a part of Q-dem and in joint work with Professor Laura Chaqués, I participated with the Department of Foreign Affairs, Institutional Relations and Transparency (Government of Catalonia) to establish collaboration mechanisms in the field of open government, good governance, and interest groups.
          • Collaboration with the Diputació de Barcelona (contract exp. 2021/6642), where I analyse policy implications of the variation in local, regional, and state regulations governing social benefits in the province of Barcelona. This research is based on text mining techniques of legal text.
        • I have also collaborated in the organization of leading conferences like the ECPR undergraduate conference in 2007 and the ICPP5 2021 in Barcelona, as a member of the local committee.